An updated version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE 2022) came into force on 1 September 2022. KCSIE 2022 offers clarification in a number of areas. From a safer recruitment perspective changes include:
- A requirement to deliver governor safeguarding and child protections training to ALL governors during induction.
- Schools "should consider" carrying out an online search on the shortlisted candidates, "which may help identify any incidents or issues, that have happened and are publicly available online, which the school or college might want to explore with the applicant at interview."
- Confirmation that schools should obtain references before interview "where possible."
- Schools "should not" ask to see the DBS certificate of a visitor who is on the school premises in a professional capacity. Being assured that the visitor has the appropriate DBS check is sufficient.
- Increased flexibility for schools to determine their own approach to the reporting of low-level concerns.
Our comprehensive Safer Recruitment Pack can be purchased for a one-off fixed fee of £250+VAT. The documents in the pack are updated whenever there is change to regulation or guidance that affects the recruitment process.
If you require advice on anything in this update, please contact Richard Hewitt: