The AR 2021/22 form is available now for all trusts to complete their return. The deadline for submission is 19 January 2023. The return can be completed here.
Changes to the academies accounts return 2021/22
The key changes have summarised below. You can find the detailed changes here.
Key changes to the AAR 2021/22:
- Additional question which asks trusts whether they have outsourced the completion of the online form
- New SOFA fields to report recovery premium and legal fees on conversion
- Land and buildings section for Single Academy Trust (SAT) prepopulated with data keyed in the tangible fixed assets tables
- New benchmarking field to report COVID-19 government funding for MAT central services
- Updated guidance on sensitivity analysis and average future life expectancies for trusts that are part of multiple LGPS
- Updated guidance on how to report employer national insurance contribution in staff costs in counterparty section
Need help with the AR return?
We ran a free session on 1 December 2022 to help prepare delegates for the AAR. If you would like a copy of the recording, please request this by emailing
Contact us & read more in our AAR blog

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