Powering Education: 5 Top Tips for School Solar Investments

Schools' Buying Club
June 22, 2023

After staffing, energy is the biggest spend for schools. With 2030 rapidly approaching, investing in solar panels is not only a smart move for cost savings but also an essential step towards achieving DfE, and your own, sustainability goals. 

Here are some top tips to consider:

1. Long-term cost savings: Solar panels can significantly reduce electricity bills, freeing up funds for other crucial areas of education. Can you generate income during school holidays?

2. Educational opportunities: Installing solar panels provides a real-life, renewable energy learning experience for students, fostering environmental consciousness and scientific curiosity.

3. Environmental impact: Schools can showcase their commitment to sustainability, reducing their carbon footprint and inspiring the next generation to take action against climate change.

4. Resilient infrastructure: Solar panels offer energy independence, ensuring continued power supply during grid disruptions or natural disasters. Payback times are as low as 2-3 years.

5. Community engagement: Schools become community leaders, demonstrating responsible energy practices and attracting positive attention.

Schools’ Buying Club has procured over 400 solar PV and LED lighting installations over the past year, saving schools £millions and tonnes of CO2 for a brighter, cleaner future for students, staff and the community.
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