The Institute of School Business Leadership has undertaken the most significant survey of the School Business Leadership community since this professional role began to emerge over 30 years ago.
The findings provide evidence of a professional community coming of age, but also identify areas where our education system could make improvements, particularly in terms of representation, strategic leadership integration and investment in professional development.
Key findings:
The profession continues to be predominantly female profession at circa 87%
96% of the practitioners surveyed identified as white and more needs to be done to attract and develop a more diverse workforce
The profession has an ageing workforce profile, and as a sector we must begin to think strategically about succession planning
Involvement in CPD activity and workload are intrinsically linked - We need to find a better way to ensure that School Business Professionals are given the time and space to develop as a managers and leaders and to ensure that the demands being placed on them are reasonable, proportionate and sustainable.
The full report is now available to download

ISBL is uniquely dedicated to supporting every version of the school business profession operating across our school system