We’re delighted to be working with Andrea Mendonca, CBMDC Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead to bring you our first joint initiative training.
Creating an Inclusive Environment
15th November 09:00 – 12:30. Delivered via Teams.
Some of the purposes of inclusive language and behaviour are to promote that sense of belonging, create respect for each other, embed trust and confidence, promote allyship along with creating safe spaces where individuals feel valued irrespective of their background, identity, abilities or belief.
Respect’s Equality, Diversity, Inclusive Language and Behaviour Course is designed to equip delegates with understanding, strategies and tools to help foster an environment that is respectful and inclusive whilst underpinning statutory requirements such as PSED and KCSIE.
A “safe space” is created enabling everyone to speak with candour without judgement. By sharing our experiences, we can learn from each other and in doing so help to find solutions to the many challenges we face.
The session will look at:
- Why inclusion matters along with understanding the definitions of diversity, inclusion, equity and equality.
- The relationship between cultural awareness and being inclusive.
- The definition of unconscious bias, types, impact and how we can reduce biases.
- and much more...