Our Salary & Recruiting Trends 2023 guide is the most comprehensive report of its kind. Get access to survey findings from over 13,000 employers and professionals across the UK and extensive salary data for over 10,000 roles across 17 different industries and professions.
We’re currently in one of the most acute skills shortages in decades. Employers across many industries including tech, construction, finance, HR, and marketing are struggling with skills shortages and attracting the right people they need to grow.
To combat this, many employers are offering above-average pay increases to attract talent. It’s not uncommon to hear of above 10% pay rises when moving from job to job. In some industries, substantial signing-on bonuses and additional benefits have been offered secure talent.
Knowing where you stand financially can be very difficult, especially against such a difficult economic backdrop.
What factors influence career decisions? Where have the highest salary increases been seen? What’s the impact of the rising cost of living on pay? Get the answers you need today.
Download your copy of the 2023 Salary & Recruiting Trends guide today.

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