In December 2022, the government published its response to the consultation on updating the UK's flexible working laws. Whilst the implementation date is not currently set, all employers need to be aware of the changes, consider their implications and prepare accordingly. The changes include that:
Employees will have the right to request flexible working from the first day in their job. Currently an employee needs 26 weeks’ service before they can make a request
Employees will be able to make two flexible working requests in any 12-month period. Current regulations are for just one request in this timeframe
Employers will need to respond to requests within two months, in contrast to the existing three-month timeframe
Employers will be required to consult with employees regarding alternatives or different options around flexible working, ensuring that an employer explores a request fully and cannot simply reject it
The present requirement for employees to set out the impact that their flexible working request will have on the employer, and expressly stating that the request is made under flexible working legislation, will be removed.
For more information or queries, please contact Stone King’s Head of HR Craig Vincent or your usual Stone King contact.

Stone King LLP