Read Zenergi’s top tips to help mitigate rising energy bills.
Often school heating patterns are set up for 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. with some weekend openings. Reducing to 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. over 5 days reduces heating hours by 49%, and gas usage by about 24%.
Eliminate drafts; insulate cavity walls and loft voids; look for faults; leaks; breakages; and uninsulated pipework.
Use 24/7 timer switches on devices that don’t need to be on outside of school hours.
Upgrading old power-hungry technology may be less costly than you think and offer immediate energy savings. A TM44 inspection can identify significant cost savings on air conditioning systems.
Increase the recharge rate of any EV charge points and do the same for lettings.
Simple visual reminders and posters can mean turning unnecessary lights off becomes standard practice.
Zenergi was invited along to a Trust’s Staff Training Day to illustrate the impact of leaving common school equipment switched on unnecessarily, highlighting the cost per hour, and cost per year.